Videos about IMMONTEC

Short film footage about Immontec

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IJboulevard immersion of caissons in Amsterdam

Engineering, preparation and execution of transport and immersion of three tunnel elements for the North – South Line in Amsterdam including diving support during sand flow.

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1915 Çanakkale bridge caissions immersion of caissons in Turkey

Design and operations for the float up, temporary mooring, transportation and installation of two caissons forming the foundation of the bridge. The works included an installation spread using two tugs on anchor and two DP vessel, a custom made, remote controlled, (de-)ballasting system and an inventive positioning system on the sea bottom.

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IJboulevard immersion of caissons in Amsterdam

Engineering, preparation and execution of transport and immersion of three tunnel elements for the North – South Line in Amsterdam including diving support during sand flow.

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1915 Çanakkale bridge caissions immersion of caissons in Turkey

Design and operations for the float up, temporary mooring, transportation and installation of two caissons forming the foundation of the bridge. The works included an installation spread using two tugs on anchor and two DP vessel, a custom made, remote controlled, (de-)ballasting system and an inventive positioning system on the sea bottom.

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IJboulevard immersion of caissons in Amsterdam

Engineering, preparation and execution of transport and immersion of three tunnel elements for the North – South Line in Amsterdam including diving support during sand flow.

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1915 Çanakkale bridge caissions immersion of caissons in Turkey

Design and operations for the float up, temporary mooring, transportation and installation of two caissons forming the foundation of the bridge. The works included an installation spread using two tugs on anchor and two DP vessel, a custom made, remote controlled, (de-)ballasting system and an inventive positioning system on the sea bottom.

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