Floating, transporting, immersion and sandflowing.
Our immersion specialists excel in designing temporary works, developing detailed plans, and conducting thorough risk analyses for successful tunnel, foundation, and habitat construction projects. Our monitoring and positioning experts focus on complex construction projects, using analog, digital, or optical sensors to make processes predictable and results demonstrable.
By combining these strengths, we ensure top-quality project and risk management for every project.
Get in TouchFloating, transporting, immersion and sandflowing.
For windtubines, bridges and platforms in the middle of the water.
Working under atmospheric pressure, but underwater.
Driving real data, risk management, design verification and quality assurance.
Sure of where you are: controlled correctly positioned.
The right plan, based on knowledge and experience.
Contact us today to ensure your tunnel, foundation, and habitat constructions are executed with unparalleled accuracy and reliability.